







Presenter: Mark Fisher (US)

Success as a personal trainer or gym operator requires standing out from the pack. To grow your business, you’ve got to connect with your clients and build a brand that’s authentic to who you are, and resonant with the people you feel called to serve. But it can feel daunting to put yourself out there. In this keynote presentation, Mark Fisher will share his unlikely journey into the fitness industry and the rise of Mark Fisher Fitness, arguably the most unusual ninja-unicorn gym in the industry. Attendees will leave with proven marketing strategies and action steps for building a personal brand that magnetically attracts their dream clients.

Presenter: Christine Conti (USA)

This workshop is designed to provide fitness and medical fitness professionals an introduction to the tools needed to safely and effectively design and implement exercise programs for arthritic populations. Gain understanding of various types, symptoms, and causes of arthritis, as well as how it affects joints and organs in the body. Examine exercises to create safe and effective fitness programs to improve range of motion, flexibility, strength, and overall health and wellness for arthritic clients.

Join Christine Conti, first time presenting at FILEX, for this special active aging session.

Presenter: Brittany Bennett

In this session join Brittany Bennett, PR expert for the fitness industry, to learn about the benefits of getting media coverage for your brand. Find out the various ways it can help your business, the types of coverage you can get and why that type of coverage would be beneficial.

Also uncover how to come up with relevant story ideas to attract your target audience and some tips on how to do your own PR, work with journalists, influencers and other brands to get your voice out there.

Presenter: David Liow

Athletic performance, keeping injury free, and the ability to look buff in a pair of jeans are seriously compromised when your glutes aren’t working well. Squats, dead lifts, and lunges are great for glute development, but we’ll show you more tools to get your glutes working well. This session will help you create buns of steel for your clients.

Presenter: Dr. Mark P Kelly (USA)

An estimated 924,000 Australians have osteoporosis, representing 3.8% of the population. In 2017–18 there were 93,321 hospitalizations for minimal trauma fractures in people over 50 years. Osteoporosis is most common in older women, affecting over 1 in 4 women aged over 75 (https://www.aihw.gov.au/). Many fitness professionals lack the knowledge to safely and effectively design fitness programs that specifically meet the needs of those diagnosed with Osteoporosis, or at risk of getting Osteoporosis. Because of this knowledge gap, many trainers are intimidated to take on clients with osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone-related issues.

These clients can benefit from a sound, sensible, bone-enhancing fitness program – like Project BONE. This course will go over the basic physiology of bones, it shows the trainer how to assess someone with osteoporosis or osteopenia, how to assign them to a certain level with a BONE SCORE and then how to train them at that specific level including regression and progression. A complete turn-key program will be discussed by Dr. Mark Kelly, the developer of the MedFit Osteoporosis Fitness Specialist course. 

Presenter: Barrie Elvish

Fitness Australia commenced consultation on the appetite/need for increased oversight and/or regulation of the fitness industry at the September 2020 FILEX Virtual Summit.

Since then, a survey, undertaken by Latrobe University, has been circulated to ascertain stakeholder’s thoughts on whether there was a need or appetite for regulation. Survey questions included what regulation would look like; the role Fitness Australia would play, if any; and what stakeholders felt were important issues worth addressing.

This session will detail the outcome and findings of the survey, as well as touch on next steps and how members can continue to be involved in this process.

COVID-19 caused massive upheaval in the Australian fitness and exercise sector raising many questions, challenges and opportunities. Unlike our Allied Health and other “essential service” counterparts, we were shut down in March 2020 with little notice and no consultation. Accordingly the Fitness Australia Board determined that the case, or not, for regulation should be canvassed and this was completed in late 2020. This FILEX session is the next step in member consultation.

Presenter: Dr Cam McDonald

Every person has a unique driving motivation as to why they will keep coming back to you as the fitness professional. This unique driver is built into their genes and is predictable. If you experience gaining a client only to have them move on, or if you find that clients aren’t adhering to your programs this session is for you. This session will skill you in understanding the different neurotypes, guide you on how to communicate with them, and how to support them so they feel safe staying with you in the long term!

Presenter: Ian Clayton

From Elite to the Street: Training for Recovery will showcase the latest practical methods for enhancing the forgotten side of exercise programming, the Recovery window.

Brought to you by the Recovery Team, this session encapsulates the latest science supporting the best approaches to recovery. It will detail specific protocols used by fitness, sports enthusiasts and professionals worldwide, including the latest blood flow restriction approaches to managing fatigue and maximising training effects.

At the end of this session, participants will be armed with the ability to enhance recovery, monitor fatigue status and deliver more effective results for their clients and athletes.

Presenter: Heath Jones

Aging successfully means to not outlive our bodies. As the average lifespan increases year upon year, it is important for older adults to not only live longer but to live well. To enjoy the fruits of our lives and in particular with mature adults, it is imperative that our bodies have the physical functionality to allow us to not only remain independent but to be an active participant in life’s activities.

Presenter: Steve Grant

Participants will learn the proven 5 step formula to recruit and develop an elite PT business. Steve will use his 22 years in the fitness industry and his own gym in Rushcutters Bay, Sydney as a case study. Come along to uncover the 5 steps in detail:

AWARENESS – build followers on social media and a big email list
ATTRACT – Point of difference, irresistible offer, traffic, qualification
CONVERT – Pricing, packs and creating an ‘experience’ 
ONBOARD – ‘the first 30 days’ and stacking the deck 
RETAIN – the three e’s and keeping more members.

Presenter: Angela Lee Jenkins

Is it a coincidence that we are living in an ever-increasing world of toxicity and obesity?

On a daily basis we are exposed to up to 80,000 different chemicals all of which need to be detoxified.

That’s a high toxic load and toxins love fatty tissue.

In this presentation Angela will take your through an overview of the detoxification process and the detoxification organs involved.

She will discuss pros and cons of common detoxification techniques our clients spend $1000’s on while neglecting simple daily detoxification techniques. You will learn and understand these simple exercise, nutritional and lifestyle techniques to implement.

Presenter: Hon. Pat Farmer AM

Australian Adventurer of the Year Pat Farmer is no stranger to feats of endurance. Whether its running from the North Pole to the South Pole for 10 months, running the length of Vietnam or running through the Middle East for peace how does an ultra-endurance athlete persevere when facing such enormous challenges? What does it take to be successful?

The awe-inspiring Pat Farmer will be closing out Day 1 with a thought-provoking keynote on Success Incrementally. A truly unmissable session.


Download your copy of the full schedule here.






























While the virtual summit will be streamed live on Fri 30 April from 9am AEST – 5pm AEST and Sat 1 May 2021 from 9am AEST- 4.30pm AEST, if you purchase a 2 Day ticket you will receive all session recordings to the event so you can watch the replays at a time that suits you, which means you don’t need to cancel or reschedule your clients or take time off work.

If you need to earn your CECs you have 2 weeks from the date the recordings are available to complete the session surveys.

Access to the replays will be available via an online portal.

Our discounted member rates are available for current Fitness Australia members or FILEX Premium Members.

When you are completing your registration either enter in your Fitness Australia membership number, or if you are a FILEX Premium Member please enter the email address associated with your FILEX membership (there is no membership number for the FILEX Premium Membership). This allows us to verify your membership prior to the virtual event.

Please note: Current FILEX Premium Members who purchase a 2 day early bird ticket will receive 12 months extension on their existing membership subscription from the date of this virtual summit.

Early bird tickets are available until Friday 9 April.

Early bird 2 Day tickets include access to session replays so you have the choice to watch the event as its streamed live or later at a time that suits you.

How many CECs can I earn?

For the FILEX Virtual Summit – Stronger Together you can earn 5 CECs* per day, so a total of 10 CECs* for the whole event.

If you purchase a 2 Day Pass you can earn up to an additional 20 CECs as the 2 Day Pass includes 12 months complimentary access to the FILEX Premium Membership. So you can earn up to 10 CECs for the FILEX Virtual Summit plus up to 20 CECs over the course of a year through the FILEX Premium Membership online masterclasses.

To learn more about the FILEX Premium Membership visit www.members.filex.com.au.

NOTE: If you purchase a 2 Day Pass your membership access will be set up the week following the virtual event and will be available for 12 months.

How do I earn CECs?

To obtain the CECs you need to complete at least 3 short session surveys per day of the event. The surveys will be sent to you via email and take no more than 2 minutes each to complete.

Your FILEX Virtual Summit CEC digital certificate will be sent within 2 weeks of the surveys being completed.

If you purchased a 2 Day ticket then to obtain the additional 20 CECs available as part of that you take part in the twice-monthly online masterclasses that are included as part of the FILEX Premium Membership. With all 2 Day tickets you receive 12 months complimentary access to the FILEX membership (valued at $269!). The online masterclasses come with 1 CEC each and similar to the short session surveys there are short masterclass surveys that you complete in order to obtain your CECs. 

Note: the 20 CECs for the FILEX Premium Membership are earnt over the course of a year by taking part in the masterclasses. The masterclasses can be watched live or you can catch up at a time that works for you via the masterclass replays.

*CECs are allocated to content that remains within the Registered Exercise Professional scope of practice

We use the video conferencing platform Hopin for our FILEX Virtual Summits.

To access Hopin you only need to create a Hopin account and use the latest version of Google Chrome as your web browser. There is no need to download anything as it’s run online from your internet browser.

IMPORTANT! Google Chrome must be used as your internet browser for this event. Other browsers don’t offer the full functionality and can be unreliable so please use Chrome when you start the below process.

Having trouble with access? Make sure you have completed all of the steps below – if you’re still experiencing issues please contact us via info@filex.com.au and send us a screenshot of the error you are seeing.

– Confirm you are using the latest version of Google Chrome
– Reload the Hopin web page
– Restart your computer
– Ensure your laptop/computer audio is not on mute and that it is turned up
Follow the steps to check your audio and video is set up correctly 
– Can’t see the main stage, sessions or other areas on the left of the screen? Make sure you are logged in.
– Logged in but the main stage, sessions or expo areas are greyed out and you can’t enter them? That means we’re not yet live. These areas will open up once the event itself commences.
– Check no one else is streaming video content on your internet connection
– Can’t find where to go? Once you are signed in on Hopin and in the FILEX Virtual Summit event, on the left hand side you’ll see the menu so you can navigate from reception to main stage, sessions and the expo
– Additional support: Hopin attendee troubleshooting resources

Please read our Terms and Conditions Policy for registering for a FILEX Virtual Summit. This policy includes information on cancellations, refunds and no-shows as well as other important information.

Check out the full FILEX Virtual Summit PDF schedule or for detailed descriptions and presenter bios head to the individual day pages to see the speakers and sessions presenting on each day.

The fantastic thing about our virtual summits is you can enter in and out of any session as it’s happening, there is no requirement to book into sessions!

So you have the flexibility to hop into any session that is running at any given time.

Just another positive of attending a virtual FILEX event – you don’t have to commit to a session ahead of time, or worry about rooms filling up!



Our virtual event programs incorporate a mix of lecture style educational sessions, panel discussions with industry experts with real-life experience, keynotes, networking and move sessions to get you up and out of your chair to stretch your legs between learning. Plus we even have a virtual expo featuring a broad range of fitness products and services!

Another great feature our attendees love is the chat function which allows you to catch up with fitness friends and family, old and new. Plus offers a great way to engage with the presenters during their sessions.

We put the program together with our attendees front of mind to ensure an engaging, fun and dynamic experience during our virtual events with the best presenters and highly relevant content particularly due to these unprecedented times.

If you purchase an early bird 2 Day ticket you will receive all session recordings to the event so you can watch it at a time that suits you, which means you don’t need to have to watch the event on 30 April and 1 May 2021 but rather can watch at a time that works for you.

If you purchase a early bird 2 Day ticket to the FILEX Virtual Summit your membership access will be set up the week following the virtual event and will be available for 12 months.

Please note: Existing FILEX Premium Members who purchase a 2 day early bird ticket will receive 12 months extension on their existing membership subscription from the date of this virtual summit.

If you purchase a 2 Day early bird ticket to the FILEX Virtual Summit you receive 12 months complimentary access* to the FILEX Premium Membership. Your membership access will be set up the week following the virtual event and will be available for 12 months.

The FILEX Premium Membership is an industry leading digital membership that offers twice-monthly CEC-accredited online masterclasses with industry experts, discounted tickets to all FILEX events, members-only resource library full of tools, articles, notes and more, as well as exclusive members-only offers from FILEX partners. 

*if you are a current FILEX Premium Member your 12 month subscription will commence from the end of the FILEX Virtual Summit on 1 May 2021.

Plus more benefits! To learn more head to www.members.filex.com.au.

We sent an email titled Important Update to Our Valued Ticketholders on 16 February to our 2020 Convention ticketholders with information about your package inclusions and our 2021 events.

If you missed that email or require any clarification about the package please email us at info@filex.com.au or call us on +61 (0)2 7911 3110.

Configure. Optimise. Grow.
XODA is a revolutionary operating system designed specifically for the Health and Wellness industry. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, XODA offers the latest in innovative software to meet your business needs. XODA seamlessly integrates all essential functionalities in one place, allowing you to effortlessly configure, optimise, and grow your business.
Crafted by fitness experts with an intimate understanding of industry challenges, XODA offers a distinctive solution that empowers you to build and grow your business on an all-encompassing Freemium plan. In addition, XODA provides Premium and Ultimate options that allow you to take your business to the next level as you expand and succeed.

HF Industries has been a leading commercial and home fitness equipment supplier for almost 40 years. Family-owned and operated, we have worked with some of the most highly regarded international brands in the market, assisting personal and professional clients with their cardio, strength, and pilates equipment needs. Whether you are looking to complete a commercial facility, or starting a training program at home, HF Industries has the experience to help you with the right equipment to achieve your fitness and lifestyle goals.

Train for life with functional, versatile equipment you can trust. Make Your Move. 


Evolt is a digital body composition analytic company. Using the latest body composition technology, it’s the only product on the market that offers personalized calorie & macronutrient recommendations based on an individual’s true lean body mass. This innovative technology provides a digital health tracking platform for the user as an intuitive data analytics platform.

In a connected, digital, IoT world, businesses must provide better solutions to health. Evolt delivers baseline health metrics and tracking to provide data that enables change.
Evolt is at the forefront of body composition technology and uses an evidence-based approach to its development and practical use. Evolt has its own Research and Development Team consisting of highly qualified professionals in the field of exercise science, body composition, and nutrition

Gym Sales powered by ABC

The fitness market is more competitive than ever, which calls for a new approach to your member acquisition and growth strategy. GymSales powered by ABC is a robust fitness-focused CRM with intuitive tools that can capture, nurture and convert prospective members, as well as identify and manage upsell opportunities. Give your team the tools they need to grow your membership and beat sales goals using an automated, disciplined approach.


Myzone® delivers a fully connected solution for fitness club operators, and is respected as the fitness industry’s wearable of choice. Working with over 8,000 facilities across 83 countries, this award winning company offers your members live motivation feedback and an accurate, relevant wearable technology which intrinsically links them to your business wherever they train. Utilising in club live group heart rate software, club branded app, virtual classes and rewards platform, Myzone® is a retention and member engagement tool which allows operators to recognise, reward and gamify members exercise experience. In 2020, Myzone launched its new MZ remote Feature allowing clubs to stream live video integrated with live group heart rate wherever members are training. Connect with our team to find out how Myzone can deliver ROI for your business.

KX Pilates

KX Pilates is a modern evolution of reformer Pilates. Combining traditional reformer Pilates principles with progressive techniques, we curate full-body workouts designed to challenge every body. With over 85 locations and growing across Australia, there has never been a better time to join the dynamic movement.

Founded upon the ‘Kaizen Xperience’, originating from the Japanese philosophy of ‘kaizen’ or ‘change for the better’, KX delivers lasting results through small, continuous improvements to your fitness.
Define yourself with workouts that are always dynamic, always 50-minutes, and always on your terms — no one does Pilates like we do.

Les Mills is a global market leader in group fitness and team training solutions.

Les Mills Asia Pacific services the Australia and Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Maldives, Guam, Laos and Papua New Guinea.

Optimising group exercise to attract new and retain existing members, Les Mills Asia Pacific provides world-class Instructor training, premium SMART TECH fitness equipment, Virtual fitness solutions, at-home workouts through LES MILLS+, Les Mills workouts hosted on a fitness business’ own app/website through LES MILLS Content, comprehensive marketing support, and a unique Group Fitness Management system to help businesses achieve their maximum business potential. Every week, more than 6 million people enjoy Les Mills classes around the world via 21,000 fitness facilities in 110 countries, delivered by 140,000+ instructors.

Xplor Technologies is the first global company integrating smart software, seamless payments, and Commerce Accelerating Technologies. We help our customers achieve more growth, faster. Xplor Clubware is a leader in innovative gym management software systems. Consolidating all your processes, admin, reporting and payments into one neat, user-friendly platform. Xplor Clubware is purpose-built to help forward-thinking gyms, fitness clubs and enterprises manage and grow a profitable business.

The united body for Australia’s health and well-being.

Activating Every body. Every way. Every day. AUSactive is a not-for-profit industry association that exists to professionalise the exercise and active health industry through engaging in partnerships, advocacy, delivering education, quality and accreditation. AUSactive supports the industry to deliver an environment for more Australians to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle.

Ikigai imports is inspired out of finding products that enhanced the training outcomes of our original core business. To rehabilitate clients in our Allied Health business we had to think beyond the musculoskeletal system and think 3 dimensionally to provide comprehensive assessment and training. The break thru came when applying rehabilitation methodology to everyday Pilates and Fitness training and the development of our Adaptive Training Model.

We sell world class products that are unique and service the Rehabilitation, Athletic, Fitness and Pilates markets. Our products are rooted in Neurological, Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal physiology to provide optimal assessment, training, fitness and rehabilitation solutions.

The product range provides end to end assessment and training solutions to find your clients limitations and formulate precise training advice. These solutions include

  • Assessment of maximum Vo2
  • Nutrition assessment and objective prescription
  • HRV/EEG (Heart Rate Variability/Electroencephalography),
  • Respiration assessment and training
  • Aerobic/Anaerobic Thresholds
  • Fat/carbohydrate ratios and metabolic profiling
  • Neurocognitive, Sensorimotor and Proprioceptive training
  • Neuroplasticity training
  • Weight Training

Ikigai Imports can provide customised analysis of your Fitness or Rehabilitation facility. We offer a full facility design and set up service. Ongoing service and maintenance are available. “

For over 10 years, Pilates Reformers Australia is your one stop shop for all things Pilates. We are the leading supplier of Align-Pilates Reformers and Equipment and the sole distributor of ToeSox, Tavi, and Base 33 Socks and Tavi Activewear in Australia.  Providing the complete solution to all home and studio needs, we supply a comprehensive range of Pilates Reformers, Apparatus, Fitness Equipment and Accessories. From product Research and Development right through to end use delivery and maintenance; our many years of industry involvement gives us the knowledge and experience to correctly cater to everyone’s needs.

At COM Marketing we help fitness & wellness studios grow their business and double their income.
Our mission is simple: demystify online marketing into a proven, predictable and repeatable process so you can build a sustainable business and gain massive momentum in your business.
We are a team of like minded individuals with extraordinary skills and we are confident that with our training you will reach the results you deserve, generating more leads and more sales for your business, leaving you with more time to spend being active and working on the things you love.
Our award winning COM Marketing Ninja Program has empowered thousands of Fitness Studios and have now been recognised by the

“Being your best. Motivating people to believe in their own power. Inspiring others to move toward healthier and happier lives.
For over 35 years these are the results that make the Athletics and Fitness Association of America™ (AFAA) a dominant force in movement-based health and fitness certification.
AFAA’s groundbreaking Group Fitness Instructor Program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).
Our vision isn’t to just change bodies, but to advance the lives of instructors and those they guide through their own personal fitness journeys.
AFAA instructors and trainers have gone out into the world to share their love for fitness, and be the person that others look to for a superior learning experience.”

For over 40 years we have been the benchmark for speedballs and punching bags for competitions and gyms around the world. We are positioned at the top of the market for quality and performance and our products are widely used in gyms around Australia and very affordable!

Nuts for Life is Australia’s voice for the vital role nuts play in good health and nutrition.

They help busy health professionals stay up-to-date on evidence-based news and research on nuts, sharing why eating a handful (or 30g) of nuts every day is essential to the health of all Australians.

Regular nut consumption offers major health benefits, being linked with reduced all-cause mortality, and a lower risk of dying from heart disease and cancer – which claim the lives of too many Australians. And decades of research shows eating nuts is not linked with weight gain.

Nuts for Life is funded by the Australian nut industry and the Australian Government, through Hort Innovation Australia’s ‘Hort Frontiers Healthy Food Fund’.

Australian Avocados are currently working with the health professional community to amplify the benefits of including more avocado in the everyday diet. Most Australians love a good avocado, but many aren't aware of the growing body of evidence that supports the health and nutrition benefits of avocados. That's why Australian Avocados has created a range of new tools, resources and information materials for health and fitness professionals. This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the avocado research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.

“HF Industries has been a leading commercial and home fitness equipment supplier for almost 40 years. Family-owned and operated, we have worked with some of the most highly regarded international brands in the market, assisting personal and professional clients with their cardio, strength, and pilates equipment needs. Whether you are looking to complete a commercial facility, or starting a training program at home, HF Industries has the experience to help you with the right equipment to achieve your fitness and lifestyle goals.

Train for life with functional, versatile equipment you can trust. Make Your Move. “

Human Kinetics is a world leading information provider in fitness, health, wellness, sport and physical activity.  Our books are research based and authored by experts from around the world.  Our books provide science-based learning in the areas of personal training, specific sports, human movement, sports sciences, ageing, physical education, dance, and more.  

Myzone® delivers a fully connected solution for fitness club operators, and is respected as the fitness industry’s wearable of choice. Working with over 8,000 facilities across 83 countries, this award winning company offers your members live motivation feedback and an accurate, relevant wearable technology which intrinsically links them to your business wherever they train. Utilising in club live group heart rate software, club branded app, virtual classes and rewards platform, Myzone® is a retention and member engagement tool which allows operators to recognise, reward and gamify members exercise experience. In 2020, Myzone launched its new MZ remote Feature allowing clubs to stream live video integrated with live group heart rate wherever members are training. Connect with our team to find out how Myzone can deliver ROI for your business.

“Pain Away is Australia’s No1 topical pain relief brand containing arnica and naturally derived active ingredients.

Pain Away is Australia’s leading naturally derived pain relief wellness company. Our quality range of high potency and pharmaceutically listed pain relief topical and oral products, reinforce the standing of Pain Away being AUSTRALIA’S No1 TOPICAL SPRAY & CREAM PAIN RELIEF BRAND. Our continued support of the community, junior and elite sporting athletes and teams, are just some of the reasons why for over the last two decades, Pain Away Australia has always been and will always be, one of the most trusted names for pain relief across Australian pharmacies. 


Train, Perform, Recover”

Ikigai imports is inspired out of finding products that enhanced the training outcomes of our original core business. To rehabilitate clients in our Allied Health business we had to think beyond the musculoskeletal system and think 3 dimensionally to provide comprehensive assessment and training. The break thru came when applying rehabilitation methodology to everyday Pilates and Fitness training and the development of our Adaptive Training Model.

We sell world class products that are unique and service the Rehabilitation, Athletic, Fitness and Pilates markets. Our products are rooted in Neurological, Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal physiology to provide optimal assessment, training, fitness and rehabilitation solutions.

The product range provides end to end assessment and training solutions to find your clients limitations and formulate precise training advice. These solutions include

  • Assessment of maximum Vo2
  • Nutrition assessment and objective prescription
  • HRV/EEG (Heart Rate Variability/Electroencephalography),
  • Respiration assessment and training
  • Aerobic/Anaerobic Thresholds
  • Fat/carbohydrate ratios and metabolic profiling
  • Neurocognitive, Sensorimotor and Proprioceptive training
  • Neuroplasticity training
  • Weight Training

Ikigai Imports can provide customised analysis of your Fitness or Rehabilitation facility. We offer a full facility design and set up service. Ongoing service and maintenance are available.


KX Pilates is a modern evolution of reformer Pilates. Combining traditional reformer Pilates principles with progressive techniques, we curate full-body workouts designed to challenge every body. With over 85 locations and growing across Australia, there has never been a better time to join the dynamic movement.


Founded upon the ‘Kaizen Xperience’, originating from the Japanese philosophy of ‘kaizen’ or ‘change for the better’, KX delivers lasting results through small, continuous improvements to your fitness.

Define yourself with workouts that are always dynamic, always 50-minutes, and always on your terms — no one does Pilates like we do.

Zen products are formulated by a world-renowned herbalist and naturopath specialist using a hybrid of herbs used in Traditional Chinese and Ayurveda medicine. Zen has a range of products to support topical pain relief and injury repair ensuing you can stay pain free and live an active life. Proudly Australian made and owned, the Zen formulations remain loyal to traditional preparation techniques that have proven their value and effectiveness over time.

For over 150 years Martin & Pleasance has provided an extensive range of natural remedies and medicines based on a commitment to Innovation, Quality, Integrity, and Sustainability. Proudly Australian made and owned, we remain loyal to traditional preparation techniques that have proven their value and effectiveness over time. Martin & Pleasance prides itself on pioneering new and emerging products without compromising standards of performance, while continuing to strengthen our traditional brands, which have built the company’s foundations.

Our success is measured by product performance and consumer satisfaction. We use the best raw materials, utilise the highest manufacturing standards and are committed to providing our customers with quality, efficacious products.

Your health is our priority, and Martin & Pleasance is committed to providing premium products, which combine traditional and scientific knowledge.

The Martin & Pleasance brand portfolio includes products suitable for various lifestyle stages and health conditions that can be chosen with confidence.

Whilst we have fun in our Marketing department, Science is of the ultimate importance to us – it’s even in our name. We have over 13 Health Science degrees including 2 Masters of Health Science and a PhD in Food Science. We love the Naturopathic ethos that states “natures knows best” and real food is at the heart of everything we do. We believe the proof is in the pudding so to speak and the products need to work as stated. While others employ more in their Marketing department than their R&D and education departments – we do not!

OneMusic Australia issues licenses to play the vast majority of the many millions of songs heard on radio, TV, music-streaming services as well as music that is bought online or bought from a retailer. Licence fees produce royalty income which are paid out direct to music creators, here and around the world. The same system of issuing licences to use music in a business exists in almost every country around the world. Unlike most other countries in the world, licensing music use in a business in Australia is a one step, not a two-step process. OneMusic issues licences on behalf of songwriters and composers (who belong to membership body APRA AMCOS) and recording artists and record labels (through PPCA).

Skyler Rubber Australia is specializing in all types of rubber gym floorings such as rubber gym tiles, rubber gym rolls. Our factory in Vietnam is more than 25 years in rubber business. We can supply any types of rubber floorings up to customers request